Influencer Magazine
Niko Steenken:

Niko Steenken: 

Crafting Pride and Empowerment in Annapolis Royal

Hand Holding
Pride Photo
Hand Shaped Heart

Jewellery can tell a story, make a statement, or symbolize identity. Niko Steenken, a prominent jewellery designer based in Annapolis Royal, creates not only stunning pieces but also weaves a compelling narrative of community, inclusivity, and pride. Steenken's contributions, however, extend far beyond his craft. His unwavering commitment to the 2SLGBTQI+ community and his instrumental role in transforming Annapolis Royal Pride into the largest small-town Pride event in the Maritimes offer a remarkable portrait of resilience, dedication, and social responsibility.

A Shimmering Force for Change

Steenken's dedication to his craft parallels his commitment to creating an inclusive and vibrant community in Annapolis Royal. He has been a driving force behind Annapolis Royal Pride, not only ensuring the continuity of the festival but also exponentially growing its impact despite challenges.

Recent years have seen an increase in prejudice and hatred directed towards the 2SLGBTQI+ community. Despite this, Steenken has displayed remarkable tenacity and resolve. His ability to rally his community and cultivate a sense of pride and unity amidst adversity is a testament to his leadership and passion.

From Grassroots to Non-Profit:
Annapolis Royal Pride

Steenken's role in transforming Annapolis Royal Pride from a grassroots effort into a bona fide non-profit organization underscores his skill as an organizer and his dedication to the cause. By professionalizing the organization and broadening its reach, he has significantly enhanced its impact 

on the local community and beyond.
His efforts have not only elevated the festival itself but have also inspired and supported Pride  initiatives in neighboring towns. This regional influence amplifies the impact of his work, fostering a broader sense of inclusion and solidarity across the Maritimes.

Beyond the Festival: Advocacy and Support

Steenken's commitment to the 2SLGBTQI+ community extends beyond the annual Pride event. Recognizing the healthcare limitations in the Maritimes, particularly for the 2SLGBTQI+ community, he has taken proactive measures to address these gaps.

A standout initiative is the discreet HIV testing program that Steenken sourced and delivered. Given the challenges and stigma often associated with HIV testing, this discreet service offers an invaluable resource to the community, promoting health and wellness alongside acceptance and support.


Niko Steenken's journey is a shining example of how creativity and social commitment can intertwine to effect substantial change. Through his work, both as a jewellery designer and a community organizer, he crafts narratives of pride, inclusivity, and resilience. His relentless dedication to Annapolis Royal Pride and the broader 2SLGBTQI+ community in the Maritimes is a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of community and the enduring strength of Pride. In every sparkling piece of jewellery he designs and each initiative he champions, Steenken's commitment to creating a more inclusive, caring, and proud community radiates brilliantly.

Richard and Namaste Moore, Champions of Transformative Love and Growth

The Infinite Couple: 

Richard and Namaste Moore,
Champions of Transformative Love and Growth

In the world of personal and professional development, few names stand out like Richard and Namaste Moore. Collectively boasting over 70 years of ministry, this dynamic duo, known as "The Infinite Couple," has dedicated their lives to invoking, evoking, and expanding every aspect of their clients' lives. Their commitment to facilitating personal growth, especially in the realm of love and relationships, makes them a shining beacon in their field.

A Lifelong Commitment to Growth

The Moores' approach to personal development is as unique as it is impactful. One cornerstone of their work is helping individuals unpack the emotional baggage from failed relationships, setting them on a course toward discovering and nurturing legendary love. They are advocates of the polarity between men and women and are unapologetically candid about their beliefs, even when they spark controversy.
Their mission is not about conforming to popular opinion, but about staying true to their convictions and delivering results for their clients. The Moores strive to guide individuals toward genuine, lasting change, leaving a transformative imprint on their personal and professional lives.

Courage in the Face of Criticism

Their work, particularly their controversial views, has not been without pushback. Accusations of cultivating a 'cult-like' following and facing onslaughts from 'woke mobs' have not been uncommon in their journey. Yet, the Moores remain unyielding in their mission, asserting themselves as "cancel-proof." Their resilience in the face of criticism is a testament to their commitment and integrity.
The proof, they say, is in the pudding. Despite criticism, their membership continues to grow. The people they have helped—the lives they have transformed—stand as evidence of their lasting impact and effectiveness.

Transformative Personal and Professional Development

The Moores' no-nonsense approach is a breath of fresh air in a world often dominated by quick fixes and superficial solutions. Their methods dig deep, addressing the root causes of personal and professional challenges and providing practical, actionable strategies for growth and development. The transformations they facilitate are not just transient, but truly life-altering, contributing to better relationships, improved self-esteem, and enhanced professional success.

Influencers for a New Age

In an age marked by an ever-increasing hunger for authenticity, the Moores are influencers in the truest sense. They don't merely preach; they actively engage with their community, empowering individuals to take charge of their lives, find legendary love, and achieve their full potential.

Their unapologetic stance on their beliefs, coupled with their transformative work in personal and professional development, positions them as trailblazers in their field. Undoubtedly, Richard and Namaste Moore's remarkable journey of dedication and impact is a cause for celebration.

The Infinite Couple's story is not just inspirational; it's a testament to the power of conviction and the resilience of spirit. Their unyielding dedication to their mission—helping individuals grow personally and professionally and discover legendary love—truly sets them apart. As they continue to inspire and transform lives, the Moores exemplify the limitless potential of perseverance and passion. Their influence, already profound, is destined to keep growing, touching countless lives and etching their names as champions of transformative love and growth.

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Becoming an Influencer: 

Profits, Philanthropy, and Power to Create Change

In today's digital age, the term "influencer" has become part of our daily lexicon. Yet, beyond the filters and viral content, what does it truly mean to be an influencer? This role offers a wide range of benefits, from monetary gains to the capacity to drive social change and philanthropy. Here's a closer look at why becoming an influencer can be an attractive and rewarding pursuit.

In today's digital age, the term "influencer" has become part of our daily lexicon. Yet, beyond the filters and viral content, what does it truly mean to be an influencer? This role offers a wide range of benefits, from monetary gains to the capacity to drive social change and philanthropy. Here's a closer look at why becoming an influencer can be an attractive and rewarding pursuit.

Monetary Rewards

Perhaps the most visible and immediate benefit of being an influencer is the potential for substantial financial gain. As an influencer, you can generate income through various channels, including sponsored posts, brand collaborations, ad revenue from video content, and affiliate marketing.
Influencers with large, engaged followings can command significant fees for sponsored content. Brands understand the value of an influencer's endorsement and are willing to pay handsomely for it. Moreover, as your following grows, so too does your earning potential.

Social Impact

Beyond the monetary benefits, being an influencer affords a unique platform to drive social change. Influencers have a direct line of communication with their followers, granting them the power to spread awareness and influence opinion on important issues.

Whether it's championing environmental causes, promoting mental health awareness, or advocating for social justice, influencers can use their platform to effect meaningful change. This ability to shape public discourse and make a tangible impact is a powerful motivator for many influencers.


Influencers also have the opportunity to contribute to philanthropic causes. With their significant reach and influence, they can mobilize their followers to support charitable initiatives. This might take the form of raising funds for disaster relief, championing underserved causes, or partnering with non-profit organizations to boost their visibility and impact.
Many influencers find great fulfillment in leveraging their platforms for good, finding it adds a deeper purpose to their work beyond likes, shares, and brand deals.

Personal and Professional Development

Becoming an influencer also offers ample scope for personal and professional development. Building a personal brand requires skills in marketing, content creation, and public relations. As an influencer, you will also hone your communication skills, learn to negotiate contracts, and potentially manage a team as your brand grows.

Networking Opportunities

Being an influencer often leads to exciting networking opportunities. You'll connect with other influencers, industry leaders, and professionals from various fields. These connections can lead to new partnerships, business opportunities, and friendships.


Becoming an influencer can be a rewarding endeavor, offering a unique blend of financial gain, the power to create social change, philanthropic fulfillment, and personal growth. While it requires hard work, creativity, and a good dose of resilience, the benefits can far outweigh the challenges, making it an attractive career path in the digital age. As an influencer, you have the potential to not only build a lucrative career but also to use your platform to make a lasting impact on your audience and the world.

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Shaping Society from Behind the Scenes

The Unseen Influencers: 

Shaping Society from Behind the Scenes

When we think of influencers, images of social media stars, celebrities, and high-profile individuals often come to mind. These individuals leverage their popularity to shape trends, sway opinions, and inspire their followers. Yet, a significant number of influencers operate far from the public gaze. These unseen influencers—ranging from thought leaders to grassroots activists—quietly, yet profoundly, impact our society and culture.

The Architects of Influence

Unseen influencers are the architects who shape our world behind the scenes. They may not have millions of Instagram followers, yet their contributions to their respective fields have ripple effects throughout society. They include researchers who make groundbreaking scientific discoveries, policy experts who draft transformative legislation, and educators who cultivate the next generation's minds.
The Power of Quiet Influence

Quiet influence is potent and transformative. Unseen influencers often operate in niches, impacting specific communities or fields. Their influence may not be immediately apparent, but it has a lasting impact. These influencers quietly build and shape trends, ideas, and movements, making contributions that can alter the trajectory of society.

Case Study: Unseen Influencers in Public Health

Consider, for instance, public health experts. These professionals might not make headlines, but their research and recommendations significantly influence public health policies and practices. They played a critical role in managing the COVID-19 pandemic, providing crucial insights to guide decision-making at every level.
Grassroots Activism and Advocacy

Unseen influencers also include grassroots activists and advocates. These individuals work within communities to drive change. They may not have vast online followings, but their work impacts lives on a local, regional, or even national scale. Their influence is deeply felt in the communities they serve, promoting social change and progress from the ground up.
Educators as Unseen Influencers

Educators, too, are unsung influencers. They shape young minds, instilling values and sparking curiosity. The impact of an exceptional teacher can last a lifetime, influencing not only the academic trajectory of their students but their broader worldview and approach to life.
The world of unseen influencers is diverse and dynamic. It includes countless individuals, each making their unique contributions to society. They may not have their names up in lights or command millions of followers, yet their influence resonates across communities, fields, and even generations.

In our increasingly interconnected and digital world, it's essential to recognize and appreciate these unseen influencers. They remind us that influence isn't solely about popularity or public recognition—it's about making a meaningful, lasting impact. The unseen influencers among us provide a compelling testament to the power of quiet influence, shaping our world one idea, discovery, or act of service at a time.

Noble Body Care

Relax and refocus with Noble Body Balm. Harness the power of our essential oil blend.

Relax and refocus with Noble Body Balm. Harness the power of our essential oil blend

The Legacy of Influence: 

Shaping Tomorrow Through the Power of Influence Today

Legacy is often seen through the lens of tangible accomplishments, such as career milestones or public accolades. However, a more profound perspective on legacy considers the ripple effect of our actions and the lasting impact of our influence. In today's digital age, the role of an influencer has the unique potential to shape this influential legacy, reaching across geographical and generational boundaries.

Influence: Beyond the Immediate

Influence is not confined to immediate responses or direct actions. It seeps into the fabric of our collective consciousness, shaping ideas, attitudes, and behaviors over time. Influencers can sow seeds that grow into societal trends, inspire movements, or foster new ways of thinking.

The Influencer's Potential for Legacy Building

Becoming an influencer provides a unique platform for crafting a legacy. An influencer's reach extends beyond their immediate circle to touch a global audience. Their actions, words, and ideas are amplified and can inspire change on a scale that is otherwise hard to achieve.

Influencers can use this platform to champion causes close to their hearts, spread awareness on issues that matter, and promote positive values. These efforts can lead to significant societal changes and contribute to a lasting legacy.

The Power of Authenticity

A meaningful legacy is not built on popularity alone. Authenticity is crucial. An influencer who is genuine in their actions, consistent in their values, and honest in their communication can create a more profound impact. This authenticity resonates with their audience and fosters a deeper connection, which can amplify their influence and enhance their legacy.

Influencers and Philanthropy: A Legacy of Giving

Influencers can also create a legacy through philanthropy. By aligning themselves with charitable causes and using their influence to encourage their followers to give back, influencers can make a substantial difference. This philanthropic influence not only contributes to their personal legacy but also makes a tangible impact on communities and causes worldwide.

Shaping the Next Generation

Perhaps the most profound legacy an influencer can leave is the impact on the next generation. Influencers can use their platform to inspire young minds, foster values, and encourage aspirations. They can set positive examples, share wisdom, and provide guidance. This nurturing influence can shape the leaders, innovators, and changemakers of tomorrow.

In the world of social media and digital connectivity, the potential to influence is not just about immediate impact. It's about shaping societal trends, inspiring change, and leaving a lasting legacy that transcends the individual. The influence of today can become the legacy of tomorrow. For those with the reach and impact of an influencer, this potential offers a profound opportunity to shape their legacy and make a lasting difference. By using their influence wisely, authentically, and generously, influencers can build a legacy that resonates far beyond their digital footprint, shaping the world for generations to come.

From Canada to Poland: 

Blanka Heublein's Inspiring Story of Family History Turned Bestselling Trilogy

Blanka Heublein's Inspiring Story of Family History Turned Bestselling Trilogy
Envision a cross-continental friendship, a shared affinity for stories, and an intriguing family history that captures the heart of a nation and the attention of the global entertainment industry. This is the extraordinary tale of Blanka Heublein, a Canadian resident with a family story so compelling that when shared with her close friend and published author, Anna Stryjewska, in Poland, it became a national best-selling trilogy.

An Intercontinental Connection, An Unforgettable Story

Blanka Heublein, residing in Canada, and Anna Stryjewska, based in Poland, had nurtured a deep friendship over the years, sharing experiences, laughter, and tears across miles and time zones. Among these shared memories was Blanka's vibrant family history—an intricate weave of triumphs, trials, and tenacious love.

Anna, a published author in her homeland, was captivated by the saga. She recognized the potential of this deeply personal narrative to resonate with a broader audience and transform into an engaging literary work.

From Casual Narration to National Bestseller

With Blanka's enthusiastic collaboration, Anna undertook the diligent task of translating personal anecdotes into a captivating narrative. The resulting trilogy—infused with authenticity, raw emotion, and the distinctive details of Blanka's experiences—resonated profoundly with Polish readers.
The books, embodying a universal exploration of family, love, and resilience, rapidly climbed to the apex of Poland's bestseller lists. This success illustrated the power of shared stories and the transformative impact they could have when crafted with care and empathy.

On the Cusp of Global Recognition

The trilogy's success reverberated beyond Poland's borders and literary circles. Its intricate narrative and richly realized characters piqued the interest of international movie companies. The possibility of seeing Blanka's family saga unfold on the big screen became an exciting and tangible prospect.

Reaching out to the Canadian Market

With the book's immense success in Poland, there's an intent to translate the trilogy into English, significantly expanding its reach. This translation aims to cater to the Canadian market, home to over one million individuals of Polish descent, who might find echoes of their heritage in Blanka's riveting family story.


Blanka Heublein's story stands as a potent testament to the surprising and extraordinary journeys that sharing our personal histories can inspire. Despite the physical distance separating them, Blanka and Anna managed to create a literary sensation that has not only dominated the Polish charts but is also on the cusp of entering the global stage. It serves as a compelling reminder that our stories, our experiences, and our lives can resonate far beyond our immediate environment when shared with the world. Book link

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