Influencer Magazine
BEYOND HEADSHOTS Photo By Maria Gagliardi Aragon


get public profile ready

Photos by Maria Gagliardi Aragon


Ahhhh, the good ol’ days…

I remember a time when all you needed was a good headshot. You would use that same picture on all media channels, business cards, your résumé, and every other piece of media your brand released. These days, not only is a headshot ineffective, you’ll be punished for overusing it… quite literally.

The ever elusive social media algorithm all the platforms we love employ, have pixel readers built in. They want to encourage the creation of original content, and therefore a picture that has been used more than once, including stock images, are tagged by the algorithm and pushed lower on the organic or suggested view chain.

The other thing that is out, is the overly posed portrait that makes you look like you belong on the back of a coin. People want authenticity, they want movement and your professional photographs should give the audience what they want, even if the thought of frequent photo shoots makes you cringe.

Toronto / Burlington photographer Maria Gagliardi created a solution to this dilemma. Her business partner, Daniela Siggia is a political and corporate strategist that manages communications and public relations.

What she was constantly begging of her clients was a variety of organic and action pictures, and all she would receive was the occasional selfie. Business and political leaders don’t have time to be sitting around taking pictures of themselves and this led to a big conflict. Some would hire traditional photographers that produced the boring headshot or profile picture which also limited the creative value these images could have in social media content creation.

There was nothing more frustrating for Daniela than having a client want a dynamic social media page, but not willing to do anything that would provide the content required to make an impact. 

Photo of Maria Gagliardi Arogon by Jeff Ellis


Photos by Maria Gagliardi Aragon

As a solution, Maria created what she calls “A Day In The Life Session” - She would shadow a person for approximately six hours in the most tightly packed schedule that person could manage, with several outfit changes throughout, in a variety of settings with people or scenarios where it was safe to film/photograph. Like an artist paparazzi, she would get tons of images that were organic, impactful and artful that her clients could use for years.

Now when Corporate-Political Strategist Daniela Siggia signs on a new public figure client looking to increase the value of their public profile, she insists on these photo sessions. The results are instant and powerful.

If you are looking at punching up your personal profile, don’t just consider your typical poses sitting in a chair, get action shots of you opening a door, laughing on the phone, shaking hands. People don’t just want to see who you are, they want to know what you do and the energy you walk into a room with - don’t be afraid to show them.


Social media gurus will tell you that the more followers you have, the more business you will retain and so we often see brands taking big risks to grow their follower base. If those followers do not become customers, you still end up broke.

Think about it, what would serve you better, 1000 followers that find you entertaining but don't shop with you or 50 followers that spend a lot of money on your product or service?

We spoke to one brand representative recently that was struggling with this dilemma as they had built a massive follower base by pushing the envelope on their social media content. It created a ton of engagement but resulted in zero dollars of new business.

After careful analysis, it was determined that their shock value strategy was entertaining to the public but scared off potential customers that didn’t want to risk being associated with a brand that released consistently off-putting material.

If your social media strategy is only about collecting numbers, and not collecting dollars, then what you have is a hobby, not a business.

A good SEO strategy will often cost you more than the website, which intimidates many new start ups into implementing a professional SEO Strategist to join the team. The reason SEO professionals can charge the exorbitant amount they do, is because SEO works.

A good SEO strategy is the difference between having a website no one ever finds, to making sure you’re on page one of a Google search.

When looking for a business product or service, most people won’t consider contacting a company that does not appear on the first page of a Google search, much less page 3 or four. If you are in a highly saturated industry, that is not easy to do.

Jeff Ellis Self Portrait
We recently interviewed Jeff Ellis of Black Ram Media Group Inc, a film company that found its niche in corporate & political public relation strategic services. They offer in - house production of everything media related including but not limited to websites.

Jeff explained, ‘We were getting hired to create all this funky media that was intended for people’s websites, but having a great corporate profile video isn’t enough to increase web traffic, especially traffic of potential clients.

I can make you the best corporate profile video ever, but if you put it on a poorly built website, no one’s ever going to see it, so it won’t do you much good. I started to realize that as much as our clients needed good media content, their websites needed work as well, and even some of the ones that looked good weren’t optimized for search engines so we began adding that service to our portfolio.

In our business, success is determined by how many new leads or added revenue one of our ads or media strategies generate and if the platform our client shared that media on was not optimized, it was easy to blame the media instead of the lack of audience. We learned very quickly that in order for our strategies to be successful, we needed to help grow our client’s audience so that when we capture and share their story, it’s to the right people. 



What are PR reps good for? Many things, but possibly most importantly, to help you avoid public relations catastrophes.

PR reps have trained their brains to look at a thing from multiple perspectives and impartially.

You may have a great idea at a message, because you were intending it to be perceived a certain way, but often you fail to account how other people may perceive your point, and how it could get lost in translation and sometimes even become problematic.

So then one might respond, that even bad publicity is good publicity. Tell that to anybody who has been fired or have had their business or career end because they fell victim to cancel culture bandwaggons. If you become a public pariah, people will hesitate using your product or service or being aligned with you in anyway and believe me when I tell you, that is not good for your pocketbook or your brand. All the time you could have spent generating new business, you will be using to desperately try to salvage the little business you have left. 

Find the right keywords.
Focus on your unique offerings.
Don't overstuff your site with keywords.
Build links to your site
Publish high-quality content and lots of it.
Get social.
Make sure your website is user-friendly.
Measure results.

8 SEO Tips
Influencer Magazine